An ongoing distillation and visual representation of research into drawing as a feminist, autobiographical practice showing all the connections and links between the different ideas.  The drawing includes feminist and autobiographical theory, together with writers, artists and questions on materials and methods surrounding an expanded drawing practice.

This drawing is an invaluable resource and the theoretical backbone for all the work that we make. It is added to and amended as new ideas, pieces of work, invented words, artists and writers emerge.

commonplacehumourdatadrawingdrawing pen and ink on watercolour paper 2023 122cm x 152cm

The objects in this drawing visually represent all the mundane, domestic stuff that piles up in our houses, stuffed in drawers, cupboards and anywhere else it’ll fit. This drawing embodies the unending mammoth labour that goes into running a home and a family, the objects and tasks accumulate into a mountain of overwhelm.  Making the drawing itself was a labour-intensive undertaking – 58 hours in total.  However, it became a joyful celebration of the act of drawing, the first time that (both laughing) found a way to make a non-text based drawingdrawing together.